PitchPerfect Baseball

by Apollo Journey



PitchPerfect your baseball training by creating bullpen sessions and monitoring your workouts. Have your digital coach always by your side during a bullpenn session, longtoss, or any throwing exercise. Set your individual goals and optimize your individual training with biomechanical feedback. SENSORSThis App can be used to connect the PITCHPERFECT sensors, available for purchase through the PitchPerfect website. With the sensors the App provides feedback on the rotation velocity of the hips and the rotation velocity of the trunk and the timing between to two, which is called separation. REAL-TIME FEEDBACKAfter connecting the sensors to the app, the App provides direct feedback with the bullpen mode or one of our other training modes that are available in the app. The App provides easy to understand visual and auditory feedback, directly after each pitch you throw.WORKLOAD MONITORThe PitchPerfect sensors are fitted with a tracking mode that you can activate with the app. Select the tracking mode and start to track all your throws during training and workout, without paying any attention. PitchPerfect will automatically count all your pitches and throws and provide you with a day-to-day overview of your pitch counts.BULLPEN GENERATORWith the PitchPerfect app you can create your own bullpen sessions or chose the preplanned training levels. In the app you can completely customize your workout and build your bullpen session including pitch types and pitch locations. During your session you can manually track your accuracy and pitch types. This data is then brought together with the data of your pitching technique. After every session you receive a detailed overview so you can evaluate your training and progress. Customize or randomize your bullpen and train towards your goals.DATA OVERVIEWThe App provides you with 24/7 access to your workout data. The stats-menu shows day-to-day pitch counts and has interactive overviews of training types, pitch types and pitch locations.MORE INFOCheck our website for more information or to purchase our specialized pitching sensors. www.pitchperfect-baseball.comThe Application is compatible on iOS and Android devices.Terms and conditions and privacy policy:www.pitchperfect-baseball.com/terms-and-conditions